COVID-19 Resources for GICS members

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New resources have been added to the GICS website to aid members during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Click here... Read More COVID-19 Resources for GICS members

GICS IV – Johannesburg, South Africa

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The fourth meeting of the Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery was a resounding success!  Click... Read More GICS IV – Johannesburg, South Africa

GICS session at WOFAPS World Congress of Pediatric Surgery

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GICS Chair Kokila Lakhoo led an inspiring session at WOFAPS, including the following:... Read More GICS session at WOFAPS World Congress of Pediatric Surgery

GICS Treasurer Dr Doruk Ozgediz named Inaugural Director of Global Surgery and Health Equity at UCSF

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Doruk Ozgediz, MD, MSc, FACS, FAAP, will be returning to UCSF to become the inaugural Director of Global... Read More GICS Treasurer Dr Doruk Ozgediz named Inaugural Director of Global Surgery and Health Equity at UCSF

GICS Secretary Neema Kaseja named Lead of WHO Global Initiative for Emergency and Essential Surgical Care

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Dr Kaseje will take over the position that Walter Johnson MD has held since 2016.  We are grateful for the... Read More GICS Secretary Neema Kaseja named Lead of WHO Global Initiative for Emergency and Essential Surgical Care

1.7 billion children lack access to safe, timely, affordable surgical care

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Article published in the WHO Bulletin estimates gaps in surgical services for children worldwide,... Read More 1.7 billion children lack access to safe, timely, affordable surgical care

New GICS website launched!

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Merging the old GICS website with that of the Global Paediatric Surgery Network, our new website includes the... Read More New GICS website launched!

Optimal Resources for Children’s Surgery paper published

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Steve Bickler and colleagues have published an executive summary of the OReCS document that was refined by... Read More Optimal Resources for Children’s Surgery paper published

GICS paper published

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Naomi Wright and other GICS members have published an article in the World Journal of Surgery article,... Read More GICS paper published

GICS IV: January 17-18, 2020 Johannesburg, South Africa

Events, GICS news|

The fourth meeting of the Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery has been announced.  Note change... Read More GICS IV: January 17-18, 2020 Johannesburg, South Africa

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