Collaboration Stories

GICS – St Judes Tumor Partnership

In collaboration with WHO and other stakeholders, our goal is to improve childhood cancer survival up to 60% by 2030.  We propose doing this by scaling up workforce capacity and …

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Global PaedSurg Partnership

Naomi Wright, member of the GICS Core Operations and Logistics team, leads the Global PaedSurg research project, which is a multi-centre research collaboration of surgeons, anaesthetists and allied health professionals caring …

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Somaliland Partnership

Children in Somaliland suffer a significant burden of health conditions — particularly congenital deformities and wound-related conditions — that could be bettered by surgery, but most of these needs are …

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KidsOR Partnership

Kids Operating Room, or KidsOR, is a global health charity focused entirely on capacity building of surgical services for children. They work with surgeons, hospitals and ministries of health in …

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Nicaragua Surgery for the People Project

GICS has been collaborating with the Surgery for People project in Nicaragua – a joint Ministry of Health and Operation Smile project whose mission is to bring surgical services closer …

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Collaboration Values

We believe that partnerships between providers in high-income countries and those in low- and middle-income countries should be of mutual benefit to all as equal partners. We believe that partnerships should prioritize building local capacity, ensuring sustainability, and strengthening local health systems. We believe that partnerships should be rooted in commitment, competency, and compassion.

We are extremely grateful to the below organizations for providing funding for GICS:

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