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The article “Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery (GICS) Pediatric Trauma Care Initiative: A Call for a Comprehensive Approach to a Global Problem” by Abdelbasit E. Ali , Adesoji Ademuyiwa, Simone Abib, Charles Carapinha, Fazal Nouman Wahid, Udo Rolle, and Kokila Lakhoo, addresses the significant health, social, and economic burden of trauma globally, with a particular focus on pediatric trauma, which contributes substantially to mortality and morbidity. The Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery (GICS) proposes a comprehensive pediatric trauma care initiative, targeting especially low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), aiming to establish structured cooperation with related organizations and local stakeholders. This initiative will address key aspects such as first aid, prehospital primary trauma care, hospital primary trauma care, advanced trauma life support (ATLS), diagnostic facilities, operating room equipment, specialized surgical services, rehabilitation, registry, research and auditing, specialization in pediatric trauma, capacity and confidence building in pediatric trauma, and prevention.

The GICS Trauma Working Group has developed specialized trauma prevention materials and organized a one-day children’s primary trauma course for GICS meetings. Advocacy efforts have included participation in significant global meetings, such as the 75th United Nations General Assembly, the World Federation of Associations of Pediatric Surgeons Congress, and others. The group has also contributed to a pediatric trauma module for the World Health Organization and published several relevant studies. These activities demonstrate a comprehensive approach to pediatric trauma care, focusing on awareness, health education, prevention, and training.

The initiative encourages the specialization of pediatric trauma care and aims to improve trauma management in LMICs through better infrastructure, education, training, and data management. By fostering collaboration and advocacy, particularly targeting LMICs, the GICS pediatric trauma care initiative seeks to enhance pediatric trauma care globally. The initiative aims to develop injury prevention strategies, optimize resource use, secure governmental commitment, and improve all aspects of hospital care and infrastructure.

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